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bid document for the procurement of different types of Computer supplies with bid Ref.No DBOT03623 Lot IV
Lot-IV :- Bid document for the procurement of different stationery items Bid Ref. DB/073/OT/2022/23
LOT-I Bid Document for Rack mounted Automatic Transfer switch (ATS) Under Bid Ref. No. DB/030/OT/2023/24
procurement of supply of Cisco flex(CUCM upgrade refreshment for 3 years with bid ref No open tender DB0T01723
LOT:III Bidding Document for the Supply of Teller’s Cash Counting machines Bid Ref.No. DB/001/OT/2023/24
LOT II:- Bid document for the procurement of Laptop computers and High end Laptop computers under Bid Ref.NO. DB/005/OT/2023/24
Photocopy Paper A4 80g